School readiness shows insights from parents on how Harmony prepared their children for formal schooling in education and self-independence.
We feel that Harmony nursery prepared Mila extremely well for primary school. The transition went very smoothly without any hick-ups. During her time at Harmony, she’s also made some wonderful friendships with other children her age and we intend to foster these as much as possible. The hardest part of the transition to school was probably to say goodbye to the wonderful staff at Harmony who she really connected with. Thankfully she still regularly sees everyone when picking up her little brother after school.
Before starting school, we had a quick parent chat with the school, and we received some slides about the 1st day of school and what are the things that kids are expecting to be doing or knowing to do on their own before starting. There isn’t a single thing on that list where we felt that there would be a challenge. And I’m not saying this because Jeanne is smarter than its peers, not at all. I’m saying this because you and your team have been able to help her/them develop so well that our kids are fully prepared for the transition. Whether it’s for their behaviours or their writing skills or social abilities, we can’t thank you and your team enough for all the hard work and passion. Jeanne is probably too young to realise, but while I felt very emotional dropping my kids at school vs nursery, I also felt very reassured and tranquilised knowing that she was ready and well prepared for all this.
Sara and William had a very smooth transition into reception at the Spanish school. They both relate to peers well, they (nearly) always follow instructions and their teachers are very pleased with their overall involvement into the school life. Both arrived into primary school with a thorough knowledge of numbers, shapes, some phonics (specially Sara!) and lots of self-confidence due to all the love, care and support they received at Harmony in the previous two years. They’re also fairly independent in many daily routine tasks and they adapted to the school routine incredibly fast.
We thank you once more for yours and your team’s care and dedication towards such crucial stage in our children’s development.
For both Hugo and Hazel
– Teachers informed us how well they settle at the school within a few days
– Made new friends very easily (no friends from Harmony went to their school)
– Very used to be in groups: respectful and good manners
– Communicate well with teachers
– Good listening: Happy and calm
– Good start for writing: both could write their name and some other words (mum, dad)
– Good focus on carpet
– Both love being at schoolAdditional comments for Hazel
– Good pencil grip
– Very good progress with phonics and numbersAdditional comments for Hugo
– Very curious and involved in learning
– Very good at maths – He was the strongest in his reception class last year