
  • Opening hours:

    8am to 6pm – Monday to Friday – 50 weeks per year.

    Fee structure:

    Initial Registration Fee Applies: £10.00

    Children under the age of 2 years

    • Full time per week: £318 (5 days) or £1376 per month


    Children 2 to 5 years

    • Full time per week (5 days) £288 per week or £1245 per month without Nursery Education Grant (15 hrs)
    • Full time for 3 & 4 year olds with less 30 hours free Education Grant of £615 per month totalling fees of £630 per month (subject to eligibility and changes within government policy)
    • Full time for 3 & 4 year olds with less 15 hours free Education Grant of £307 per month totalling of £938 per month (subject to changes within government policy)


    Deposit of two weeks is held prior to child starting the nursery.  This deposit will be returned during the final month of child’s stay or according to Harmony’s terms and conditions.

    There is no charge for the first week of “settling-in”.

    All closures are still to be paid to keep your child’s place.

    • Most of our parents qualify for the Working Family Tax Credit or Child Tax Credit, which helps subsidise the fees.
    • Children aged three years and above are eligible for the Nursery Education Grant for 38 weeks per year x 15 hours per week.
    • Children aged two years may also be able to get some subsidy fees 38 wks x 15 hours per week depending on eligibility.
    • Furthermore, some companies may offer Vouchers towards childcare for their employees. Please ask your company about the scheme.

    Please make sure to include a cheque made payable to:

    Harmony Community Day Nursery